Did you ever see a booger on someone's face and specifically choose not to tell them?
Yes. Guilty!
Yes. Guilty!
Do you secretely hope that a specific relative will die?
Hmmmm. Do I have to admit that openly? Torture is better.
Hmmmm. Do I have to admit that openly? Torture is better.
Do you know you have mold growing in the refridgerator and do nothing about it?
NO! I will clean!
NO! I will clean!
Have you ever been attracted to someone very unattractive?
If they're attractive to me, why does it matter what they look like to someone else?
If they're attractive to me, why does it matter what they look like to someone else?
Would you prefer to sleep with your dog than anyone else?
Now then.
Now then.
Would you eat a cow eye for a price?
One mil.
One mil.
If the walls could talk, what would they say about you?
I need to stop procrastinating.
I need to stop procrastinating.
Do you secretly pick your scabs?
No. Ew.
No. Ew.
What would your best friend be surprised to know about you?
Let's not go in that direction. I have enough skeletons in my closet, it's rather time to clean it out.
Let's not go in that direction. I have enough skeletons in my closet, it's rather time to clean it out.
Do you think male and females can be friends?
Sure, if they aren't attracted to each other.
Sure, if they aren't attracted to each other.
What technological device could you not live without?
My computer.
My computer.
If you could have been born in any year, what year would it have been?
Early 1900s.
Early 1900s.
Would you like to be famous?
No. Just successful at what I enjoy doing.
No. Just successful at what I enjoy doing.
Have you ever drank pickle juice straight from the jar?
Do you lie about your weight?
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